Each week I pull Tarot cards to inspire practice that cultivates soul wisdom for readers of the blog as a group using the Gaian Tarot. (If you want to read more about the process, check out Sacred Practices of the Gaian Tarot: The 3 P’s).You are invited to use the cards below to inspire your practice, and, if you like, share your reflections in the comments. You are also free to draw your own cards and share them in the comments.
PATH: Use Pile 1 / Majors and Aces to pull a card for the question: What path would it best serve us to walk this week? MAGICIAN invites us to walk this week on pathways of …
- Being magical, which has been defined as having the ability to shift consciousness.
- Bringing Spirit to Earth by being a messenger who moves between these realms.
- Calling upon and weaving together all your capacities and skills – physical, intellectual, emotional, inspirational – as your create this week.
- Walking between the worlds of the everyday and the magical, the material and the spiritual, the living and the dead.
PRACTICE: Use Pile 2 / numbered cards for this question: What practice(s) will best serve us to move along this path this week? THREE OF AIR invites us to practices such as …
- Active imagination writing in which you let “characters” that emerge from your imagination, your dreams, or the Tarot talk on the page and your respond to them.
- Engage in a meditation where you tune into your heart, imagine what is pressing upon it or piercing it, feel the pain of it, imagine this pain as light, and then let the light flow through you.
- Pulling a Tarot or other oracle card on a daily basis; pull it in the morning, carrying it around with your throughout the day, journal on how it came up in your day and/or what you learned about it.
- Writing in any of many forms that allow for the expression of emotion: for example, journaling, writing poetry, writing a letter to another person to express your true feelings (you may or may not want to send the letter).
POSTURE: Use Pile 3 / People cards for a question such as: What attitudes and behaviors will be most helpful to undertake this practice and walk with path? GUARDIAN OF WATER invites you to follow your path and practices with attitudes of …
- Being in the flow of life; “no forcing, no holding back” (a phrase from the poet Rilke).
- Embracing mystery and all that life offers, from its fullness to its messiness.
- Holding intense emotions – your own or of others – with love and letting them flow where they may.
OVERALL MUSINGS: This week you can be a transformer, a light bringer, one illuminates the soul-self even when it feels lost in the dark. But first you must let any distress, darkness, or despair flow out of you and be met, not with fear or distain, but love and compassion. Then that which on the surface is difficult will be revealed as your pathway to magic. May it be so!
And if the way you bring light into the world is through writing and you have a project you want to take to the next level with some intuitive support, do check out the Oracular Write-A-Torium: A Harvest Open Space Retreat that will be held here in Easthampton, MA September 25-27. There are just 3 spots left.