
There is no heaven

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From Unstoppable Wholeness – Poetry

The white dream waits

for me to enter. The rabbit

runs through a field of nettles,

burdock bends in the wind. I follow,

find the room without walls.

No boundary, just wild weaving

in green stem and white-pin flower

along your blue shirted shoulder.

We stand there in the where –

a dream is always now and never –

while a wave in love with itself

and the chase, crests, falls

into the sea, the shore, the broken shell.

You fell fast. I didn’t hold you.

Each dream has its own dreamer –

white dream, red dream, purple, blue,

all the way down to the black,

the dark waiting

to bring up

the new.


Published in Spillway 23 

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January 21, 2016, 11:43 am sacredcircles

Carolyn, such wonderful poems!  Especially this one.  You have found words for those dream sensations that I had no words for.  And “the dark waiting to bring up the new.”  Beautiful.  Thank you for sending them all… and congratulations on having them all published!

I hope you are well.

Sending love, Rose 

Sent on a Boost Samsung Galaxy S® III

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