
Wisdom of the Oak Moonthly Reading


For Seekers – Moonthly Renewal – Nature – Practices for Soul & Spirit

As the last new moon reached the end of its cycle, I post these readings as a prompt for contemplative practice and noticing the more cosmic patterns of life as you attend to the lunar energy in a solar world.

2nd/Blue September New Moon – Friday, September 30, 2016 at 8:11pm ET in the USA

Releasing the last earth moon & Welcoming the new air moon

Oak Wisdom Reading

Gaian four-earthAlthough we think of spring as the time for seeding the new, each season has its seeds. In the fall, these seeds are the nuts of long-growing trees and bulbs of perennial flowers. They spend more time in the dark gestating to emerge for a longer life than the spring’s pansies and annual crops.

Their time of retreat is the beginning of their emergence.

The tree’s growth cycle reminds us about the value and potential of the dark for bringing forth the deeper, larger, higher dreams. These so often need time to be gestated and loved into life by the dark.

RETREAT: What wisdom can I glean from a recent slowdown, set back, or disappointment?

ENERGY EMERGING: What new energy is bursting into the void of my slowdown, set back, or disappointment?

GESTATING:  What might I birth from gestating this emerging energy?


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