The inspiration of Robert M. Places’ Tarot of the Sevenfold Mystery is Neoplatonic mysticism as it emerged from the Renaissance. The whole deck, and most directly the Major Arcana, grows from Plato’s idea that each person has 3 souls: the Soul of Appetite, the Soul of Will, and the Soul of Reason. Each soul’s development moves progressively through these soul layers, and that growth is aided by adherence to the Cardinal Virtues of Justice, Strength, Temperance, and Prudence.
Robert includes this description of the Sevenfold’s Justice in the companion booklet to the deck:
Justice is the cardinal Virtue which balances the Soul of Reason. She is impartial, uses her scales to find truth, and is obligated to put truth into action. She hands her sword to her champion, the knight, who is sworn by the code of chivalry to serve Lady Justice, defend virtue, and the honor of women. She teaches that might does not make right but that might must serve truth and virtue.
The Sevenfold Mystery shows us Justice in relationship to those who serve Her. We are invited to contemplate our personal relationships to Justice and try on the identity of being a knight in her service and defender of her rule in the places where we live.
The special place of this face of Justice is at the beginning of a quest where we dedicate ourselves to a higher cause and receive the blessing of Justice for the journey ahead.
This moonth’s chat and meditation will be inspired by finding a knight with whom we identify and letting this knight lead us to an encounter with Justice. The live call will be Wednesday, June 14th at 8:30pm Eastern/USA and a link for later listening will be offered for those who can’t join the call live. Sign up to get all the logistical info and links.