
Persephone Descending Series 2018


For Grievers – For Seekers – For Writers – Seasonal Observances

The seasonal shift from summer to fall is a potent time of year for remembering our beloved dead. In October the growth of the natural world recedes and absence becomes a presence. The first days of November bring Mexican Day of the Dead traditions, Catholic masses for All Saints and Soul Days, and secular commemorations on Veterans Day, which offer different ways to connect with those departed. At this time, we are called to keep up a loving flow between the living and the dead.  

In this tele/video-series, we will answer this call from our beloveds in the beyond – and send messages back to them.

We will connect in virtual circle from the October dark moon to the November dark moon to write love letters and gratitude notes (not a metaphor! our practice will be writing notes/letters!) to the recent dead and to our loving ancestors. This time is inspired by my experiences connecting with Persephone around the equinoxes since 2016.

A $18 offering gives you access to the live sessions, follow up recordings, and handouts. If you can’t make the scheduled session time, you can catch up by checking out the recording.

Session 1 – Sunday, October 7th at 4pm ET – Setting the Context, Creating the Container

This is primarily an information sharing session in which I will cover:

  • Persephone as my guide and message carrier for this practice
  • Love letters to our recent dead with prompts for writing these special missives
  • Connecting with the loving ancestors from generations past with a guided meditation

We will start and end the call with introductions and inspirations from the group gathered, but these will not be recorded.

“Writing Rooms” – Wednesday, October 31st at 9pm ET & Thursday, November 1 at 9am ET

Following a check in at the start of the hour, we will write our letters and notes together in supportive silence. We will end with words of gratitude. Drop in or leave at any time. These will not be recorded.

Session 2 – Tuesday, November 6th at 9pm ET

I will lead a guided meditation for the “mailing” of our letters and notes that will be recorded.

In an un-recorded part of the session, we will share about those we sending our missives to.

The Logistics

These sessions will be offered via conference call with an option to add a video component. I’m using Free Conference Call which international dial in numbers. Your regular rates apply for live calls. Links can be accessed through the internet.

After you register, I will send you the information for connecting at the appointed time.

You will get reminders ahead of each session as well as links for the recordings after they are complete.

Why am I doing this?

My partner John died in a car crash when he was 48 and I was 45. My beliefs about death were a flimsy paper cup, immediately ripped apart. But the practices I developed through working with Tarot, nature, and writing lead me through creative mourning to find in grief a “secret medicine for those who hurt too hard to hope” (to gratefully borrow Rumi’s words). The grief also had a hidden gift of inspiring work to connect with my ancestors. Writing letters to the dead is one of the practices that I have found healing and connective. I want to share it with you, if it can be of help in your grief or ancestor work. 

The quickest way to sign up is to send the $18 offering through Pay Pal, but you can also send a check to Carolyn Cushing, 1 Cottage St., Box 33, Easthampton, MA. Send me an email to alert me the check is coming and I will put you on the list. 



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Soul Path Sanctuary

Offering ~ I tend the sanctuary as gift to seekers on the unmarked path. If you find this site inspiring, I welcome a gift to continue serving you sustainably.