
Patterns and Pointers: Owl, Ancestor Visiting, and Rosaries


For Seekers – Mentoring

There are patterns and pointers that open my eyes up to the mystery and the sacred below the mundane and everyday. It is actually quite clear when I slow down just a little – or maybe I need more reassurance than others and the universe conspires to give them to them. My doubt is strong and constantly regenerating itself. But how can I ignore the power in this string of events?  

Walking the bike path on Saturday, 11/9, a big bird swooped down low in front of me. My first thought was “that’s an owl!” But my second thought was “no that couldn’t be, must be a hawk.” Still I step off the path to search for the bird. I was about to give up when I looked over my shoulder to see a barred owl staring at me. We looked at each other for a long time.

The next day, Sunday, the 10th,  I went to visit my Irish Catholic grandparents’ graves. I gave them offerings of tea, herbs, and flowers. I pull cards from the Santos and Signs oracle deck. I gave them an update on what was happening in the family. Most of the time I just sat there, being and listening. I didn’t hear anything in particular. 

On Tuesday, the 12th, an Instagram friend was showing off the lovely altar she had created to hold her new book The Way of the Rose by Clark Strand (of Waking with the Dark) and his wife about the power of the Divine Feminine hidden in the Rosary. It was very pretty. I Liked it.

A half hour later on that Tuesday I was cleaning out a “junk” drawer which had the oddest assortment of stuff. I reached into the back to pull a broken Rosary made in Ireland. I do believe that this is the rosary my grandfather was carrying in his pocket the day he died. I can’t remember how it ended up in this drawer. 

A string of random occurrences? OK, but how on point! 

And I don’t think that these signs and points are strange rare occurrences. They are happening all the time. I don’t think that I have some special power to conjure them. But because of my work with Tarot, oracles, spiritual practices, and paying attention to nature, I’ve learned how to direct my attention. And when I direct my attention and drop my doubt, I see what is already there, just waiting to be acknowledged and offer support, nurture, meaning. 

What practices do you have to support such attuning? I hope you have time and space for them in this season of moving toward the Solstice and celebrating the holidays. As I’ve done for the last 6 years, I’ll be Waiting with the Dark for the Solstice moment. If you want to join in on the formal offering I making you can check out the details. Or do your own simple ritual, just spend some time in the dark, be with what the dark holds: release, renewal, acceptance, our beloved dead, the ancestors, stars.

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Offering ~ I tend the sanctuary as gift to seekers on the unmarked path. If you find this site inspiring, I welcome a gift to continue serving you sustainably.