The Reading
- What can I do to interfere for the good of the Whole?
- How can I express Love to increase Justice where I live?
- What virtue can I express now to support the Cosmic Order?
I offer this as an e-reading in my collaborative initiative format for $23. I use the Gaian Tarot for these readings. When I receive payment, I’ll be in touch to let you know about when to expect to receive your reading by email. I generally am scheduling out at least 3 days in advance; my readings days are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. If my timing doesn’t work for you, I will return your fee.
The Inspiration
In 2017, we explored the Faces and Spaces of Justice throughout the whole year, including from the Haidl Tarot featured below. On the 4th of July, I did a Gifts of Justice on the USA’s Birthday wisdom reading and meditation that inspired this reading.

Guided by the imagery of this version of Justice with its upper chakra colors rising from an earthy tree-trunk source, I meditated and pulled cards for gifts for the USA from the earth, our human visionary capacity (3rd eye connected), and the Divine / Universal Energy (crown chakra connected).
Earth Gift – Eight of Swords – Interference: I saw the word “Interference” and a “Yes!” rose up within me. I saw the interference as arising both from the earth itself and from we humans who are concerned about the planet and all the creatures here. In this way, the earth’s wild weather swings can be seen as alerts calling us to pay attention and to act to bring things into better balance. Rachel Pollack’s thoughts on interference for the human-side seemed written just for the times we live in: “The positive side of interference includes political action to reform dangerous or evil policies. If we see something wrong in the world around us, we bear a moral responsibility to do whatever we can.”
Visionary Gift – Two of Cups – Love: How wonderful to see this card here echoing the peacock of Justice. It was also the action card of last moonth – and came up over and over again in various readings that I did. Our ability to keep imagining and envisioning Love as a guiding force is a gift we can to each other and hold up as a possibility for our nation. Rachel writes of the Love shown in this card: “So love in this card becomes something more than personal happiness. We need to give the energy back to the world.”
Divine Gift – Three of Wands – Virtue: If we listen only to the news, we may feel a lack of virtue in our national life. But the Divine is still sending us virtue; it is available to tap into. And on a local level, in our neighborhoods, or anywhere people are coming together in Love for the Whole or to Interfere in support of the earth, we may well be acting with just the virtue needed to come into harmony with the cosmic order.