This moonth we are invited to walk the path of The Lovers, the card associated with this new moon’s arrival on Thursday, June 6 at 8:37 am ET (time zone converter) in the astrological sign of Gemini.
When we fall in love our heart becomes the blooming rose. A profusion of petals opening wider and wider under the kiss of the sun. We feel the rose in our chest expanding from the inside out to meet our beloveds.

From Ellen Lorenzi-Prince’s Greek Goddess Tarot
The suit of Cups focuses on Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love
They are my own phobia creature. As a little girl I could not even look at a picture of a snake, and they still appear in nightmares. My snake phobia was surely influenced by the snake’s other meanings through time: evil, darkness, deception.
Snakes can be death bringers; many are venomous, others could squeeze us to death. But growing up in the suburban Northeast of the US, I rarely encountered snakes at all and certainly not deadly ones. My feelings about snakes were a 9 of Swords experience. I didn’t face any immediate real threat, but my fears were still powerful.

In mutually loving relationships, we open to the fullness of the other person and also to the fullness of ourselves. All become more Whole. And once we’ve lived and loved in this way, we can’t go back. Even if the relationship ends – by mutual decision, one-sided break up, or death – the skin we had to shed to love no longer fits. Love changes us. And to live, we must change.
These questions are offered for reflection and to spark practice throughout the moonth. Pulling Tarot and oracle cards in connection to these questions is appropriate, but not absolutely necessary. You might carry a question with you on a walk for example and observe what is happening in the natural world as a way to find insight into the answer to the question.
LOVE: How is love calling me to live this moonth?
FEAR: What fears or obstacles might I encounter as I answer love’s call?
FORWARD: How can I “face my fears and do it anyway” to meet love’s call?
I do offer this as an e-reading in my collaborative initiative format for $32. Sign up with Pay Pal or email me about sending a check. When I receive notification, I’ll be in touch to let you know about when to expect to receive your reading by email. I generally have openings to do these readings on Mondays and Saturdays