A Sanctuary of Sun and Moon

Changes in the natural world shaped by the shifts of sun and moon can serve as sanctuary for our seeking and inspire our spiritual practices and seasonal ritual.

Each new moon, reflections and readings for the coming lunar cycle are offered as a gift to inspire and sustain seekers. Sign up for Soul Path Sanctuary’s e-news to receive this offering in a timely way.

Annual Winter and Summer Solstice-hinged retreats are offered virtually and in-person to attune to the wisdom of the season and support more in depth reflection, planning, and growth.

Full Moon Revelations: The Tarot’s Star Gathers Strength

The height of this moonth’s cycle comes with the full moon arriving on Wednesday, the 12th (exact at 8:54 am ET, time zone converter), and offers a revelation about how the lunar energies initiated on the January 29th new moon are developing. The new moon, guided by its association with The Star. Five of Swords, and [...] Learn more →

New Moon Gateway: Active Hope in Violent Times with the Tarot

On January 29th the new moon arrives (exact at 7:36 am ET, time zone converter) to remind us that renewal is possible. This new moon also ushers in the two-week period of the Lunar New Year which is celebrated by a quarter of the earth’s population, especially throughout Asia. This is the year of the Snake, [...] Learn more →

New Moon Gateway: Tarot Guardians at the Turning of Time

This moonth—arriving on Monday, the 30th (exact moment at 5:27 pm ET, time zone converter)—we are once again invited to walk the path of the Tarot’s Devil. As you may remember, we started the year with a January 11th Devil moon which offered the message of: Protect what is most important. Then during two full moon appearances this [...] Learn more →

New Moon Gateway: The Tarot tells you that you are the path

This moonth—arriving overnight 11/30 to 12/1 with the exact moment at 1:21 am ET, time zone converter—we are invited to walk the path of Temperance, which melds opposites into a whole that draws from its constituent elements but brings forth something entirely new. The Temperance Path  In the Tarot of the Crone Temperance, a figure walks between [...] Learn more →

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Offering ~ I tend the sanctuary as gift to seekers on the unmarked path. If you find this site inspiring, I welcome a gift to continue serving you sustainably.