New Moon Gateway: The Tarot tells you that you are the path

This moonth—arriving overnight 11/30 to 12/1 with the exact moment at 1:21 am ET, time zone converter—we are invited to walk the path of Temperance, which melds opposites into a whole that draws from its constituent elements but brings forth something entirely new. The Temperance Path  In the Tarot of the Crone Temperance, a figure walks between [...] Learn more →

Full Moon Revelations: Teachings of the Beloved Dead

In this full-moon moment, in this post-election moment, Maya Angelou’s voice echoed in my ear: Out of the huts of history’s shame I rise Up from a past that’s rooted in pain I rise I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide. Leaving behind nights of terror and [...] Learn more →

New Moon Gateway: The Tarot Guides Us to Drink from the Cups

This moonth we are invited to walk the path of Death and gain its wisdom lessons.  From Tarot Roots of Asia Path Death may be the most infamous and unwelcome card in the Tarot pack. To keep clients from jumping to the most dire conclusions, Modern Tarot readers quickly say the card doesn’t mean physical death [...] Learn more →

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