The Reading POWER: What is your power-from-within that the world needs now? EXPRESSION: How to express this power? MANIFESTATION: What can you manifest to tip the balance ever more away from power-over to power-with? I offer this as an e-reading in my collaborative initiative format for $23. I use the Gaian Tarot for these readings. When I [...] Learn more →
The Reading LOVE: How is love calling me to live this moonth? FEAR: What fears or obstacles might I encounter as I answer love’s call? FORWARD: How can I “face my fears and do it anyway” to meet love’s call? I offer this as an e-reading in my collaborative initiative format for $23. I use the [...] Learn more →
The Reading What can I do to interfere for the good of the Whole? How can I express Love to increase Justice where I live? What virtue can I express now to support the Cosmic Order? I offer this as an e-reading in my collaborative initiative format for $23. I use the Gaian Tarot for [...] Learn more →