Soul Path Mentoring

A mentor is one who has walked a bit longer or further along the seeker’s path. As a mentor, Carolyn Cushing offers support for how to travel, but the seeker determines their own unique soul path. Offered through on-going, one-on-one sessions usually at monthly or seasonal intervals, Carolyn is a mentoring match for:

  • Developing a spiritual practice
  • Integrating Tarot into your spiritual practice
  • Grief accompaniment
  • Embracing your creative process, especially for writers
  • Moving through a life transition

Sessions are conversations guided by questions and can include Tarot (or not). Contact me to explore if mentoring is a match for your needs.

My Essential Offerings on Grief

The essential insight I have to offer is this:  Grief changes. You change and the grief changes, and it all flows, yes, like a river with its white water and frozen edges, its quiet stretches and unfamiliar banks (though some surprise you with their beauty). Then the river reaches the ocean, and what you thought [...] Learn more →

Science and Spirit for Coping with Covid19

I hope that you are taking care of yourself and doing all that is within your power to maintain personal and community health as we move through the global covid19 pandemic.  I’ve been gathering information to guide me in how to respond to this crisis, which Tarot practitioners might name as a slow moving but [...] Learn more →

Patterns and Pointers: Owl, Ancestor Visiting, and Rosaries

There are patterns and pointers that open my eyes up to the mystery and the sacred below the mundane and everyday. It is actually quite clear when I slow down just a little – or maybe I need more reassurance than others and the universe conspires to give them to them. My doubt is strong [...] Learn more →

Heart Connecting with the Ancestors Meditation

You can follow these prompts to have a meditative encounter with your radiant ancestors.  Turn your attention inward. Taking a meditative posture, closing your eyes, and tuning into the flow of your breath are common and helpful practices.  Bring your attention to the places where your body is connected to the earth through the surface [...] Learn more →

Persephone Mandala on leaves

Persephone Descending: Letters to the Dead

In March 2016, before the Equinox, and as the moon opened to fullness, I had an experience that is basically inexpressible because of its power and because of its commonness. I sensed the moment the seasons shifted as the moon rose over a river filling with spring’s ice floes. To convey a glimpse into the [...] Learn more →

Pilgrimage Report in Poetry and Prose

The Summer Solstice-hinged e-retreat Walking the Ways of the Summer Light just concluded. This offering is a poetic report from a few moments of my Pilgrimage trip to Acadia National Park.    Love, the shaper, makes her a light fish with dark eyes swimming green, this passage skims skin from her cheeks. What she wanted [...] Learn more →

The Privilege of Grief

It was easier for me to travel across the whole country and claim my partner John’s body than it was for Michael Brown’s mother to cross a few feet of pavement in Ferguson, Missouri.   John was killed in a car crash in Montana while I was home in Massachusetts.  We are not sure when [...] Learn more →

Isis as a Guide to Creative Mourning

There is plenty of contemporary writing about grief and mourning, but I’ve found it to be very clinical and its focus on the individual isolating.  As a society, we have forgotten that the Goddess and Her Stories are guides for our grief and mourning, but She hasn’t forgotten us.  She remains as She Who Watches [...] Learn more →

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Soul Path Sanctuary

Offering ~ I tend the sanctuary as gift to seekers on the unmarked path. If you find this site inspiring, I welcome a gift to continue serving you sustainably.