Reading of the Moonth: The Strength to Make Magic

The arrival of the new moon stamps the moonth with an initiating energy that shifts and develops through a cycle of growth, fullness, and descent.  Each moonth I look to the Tarot’s astrological correspondences for the new moon to find 3 cards (a Major, a numbered Minor, and a court/people card) to guide musings on [...] Learn more →

Moonthly Musings and Reading: Take the next step

Because I love                 by Carolyn A. Cushing         after Kathleen Raine’s Amo Ergo Sum Because I love leaf unfurls deep green to drink radiant sun, day’s pilgrim of the sky. Because I love oak branch prickled with light forms acorn, seed of the next season. Because I [...] Learn more →

Moonthly Musings & Reading: The Right Alignment of Death and Life

We’ve had a long wait for fall here in New England. For months, we’ve been looking at the trees and wondering when the bright reds will appear and yellows overtake the green. Naturally some years are more muted than others, but this warm year it’s the timing that has changed. Only during this last week [...] Learn more →

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Soul Path Sanctuary

Offering ~ I tend the sanctuary as gift to seekers on the unmarked path. If you find this site inspiring, I welcome a gift to continue serving you sustainably.