Full Moon Revelations: The Tarot’s Star Gathers Strength

The height of this moonth’s cycle comes with the full moon arriving on Wednesday, the 12th (exact at 8:54 am ET, time zone converter), and offers a revelation about how the lunar energies initiated on the January 29th new moon are developing. The new moon, guided by its association with The Star. Five of Swords, and [...] Learn more →

New Moon Gateway: Active Hope in Violent Times with the Tarot

On January 29th the new moon arrives (exact at 7:36 am ET, time zone converter) to remind us that renewal is possible. This new moon also ushers in the two-week period of the Lunar New Year which is celebrated by a quarter of the earth’s population, especially throughout Asia. This is the year of the Snake, [...] Learn more →

New Moon Gateway: Tarot Guardians at the Turning of Time

This moonth—arriving on Monday, the 30th (exact moment at 5:27 pm ET, time zone converter)—we are once again invited to walk the path of the Tarot’s Devil. As you may remember, we started the year with a January 11th Devil moon which offered the message of: Protect what is most important. Then during two full moon appearances this [...] Learn more →

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