Lunar Living in a Solar World

We know the Sun. We see it rise each morning, or trust that it is there behind clouds. The cycle of the year and our schedules are driven by the global adherence to the sun-guided Gregorian calendar. The sun’s daily trips and annual flow are easily followed. To meet the moon requires a different kind [...] Learn more →

Faces and Spaces of Justice: Gaian Tarot

  In Joanna Powell Colbert’s Gaian Tarot the scales of Justice transform from object and symbol into a living being. We can gaze upon this face of Justice and imagine he is holding in balance the passions of his heart with the elevated consciousness of his mind (as represented by the feather). Heart and mind [...] Learn more →

Pilgrimage Report in Poetry and Prose

The Summer Solstice-hinged e-retreat Walking the Ways of the Summer Light just concluded. This offering is a poetic report from a few moments of my Pilgrimage trip to Acadia National Park.    Love, the shaper, makes her a light fish with dark eyes swimming green, this passage skims skin from her cheeks. What she wanted [...] Learn more →

The Essential and the Unseen Moonthly Reading

Around the time of the new moon, I post these readings as a prompt for contemplative practice and noticing the more cosmic patterns of life as you attend to the lunar energy in a solar world. October New Moon – Sunday, October 30, 2016 at 1:38pm ET in the USA Releasing the last air moon [...] Learn more →

Wisdom of the Oak Moonthly Reading

As the last new moon reached the end of its cycle, I post these readings as a prompt for contemplative practice and noticing the more cosmic patterns of life as you attend to the lunar energy in a solar world. 2nd/Blue September New Moon – Friday, September 30, 2016 at 8:11pm ET in the USA [...] Learn more →

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Offering ~ I tend the sanctuary as gift to seekers on the unmarked path. If you find this site inspiring, I welcome a gift to continue serving you sustainably.