The essential insight I have to offer is this: Grief changes. You change and the grief changes, and it all flows, yes, like a river with its white water and frozen edges, its quiet stretches and unfamiliar banks (though some surprise you with their beauty). Then the river reaches the ocean, and what you thought [...] Learn more →
The white dream waits for me to enter. The rabbit runs through a field of nettles, burdock bends in the wind. I follow, find the room without walls. No boundary, just wild weaving in green stem and white-pin flower along your blue shirted shoulder. We stand there in the where – a dream is always [...] Learn more →
Hollow bones of birds may hold the Self sundered from the body. Some hint of light departs from twisted metal to seek the lift of lacy struts tucked up in hawk’s wing. I have no way of knowing but I saw the red-tail rise from where you died, those Bitterroots can’t have you for [...] Learn more →
In some places, silt over loam the death of a field and ferns covered in dulled-silver dust: ghosts caught between the green world and the dead. In other places, the land stripped to bedrock barely a place for root to take hold soil slipped away and our suppers with it. In these [...] Learn more →
Sick of those who come with words but no language I made my way to the snow-covered island Tomas Tranströmer A language without words forms at seam of earth and sky its first sounds are snow melt It swirls at edge of day dark and we do not [...] Learn more →