Shining Tribe Cento

Rachel Pollack Incants Her Way  Through the Green Door of Death A Shining Tribe Cento   I swim in the evening  I rest in the sunshine I talk with the serpents I know all the secrets I walk like a singer  through the forest of souls   Breathe through the grass Shout through the eyes [...] Learn more →

New Moon Gateway: Drink from the Cup

This is the morning these fields silvered in fog the mountain gone, birds rise early sun takes dark from wings’ tips Follow the road as far it goes to the edge of the flood the bridge is gone and beyond further fields are under water These are the fields we would have eaten sweet corn [...] Learn more →

Moonthly Musings and Reading: Take the next step

Because I love                 by Carolyn A. Cushing         after Kathleen Raine’s Amo Ergo Sum Because I love leaf unfurls deep green to drink radiant sun, day’s pilgrim of the sky. Because I love oak branch prickled with light forms acorn, seed of the next season. Because I [...] Learn more →

Two poems published on Writing in a Woman’s Voice

The writer Beate Sigriddaughter has a beautiful project of posting a poem every day on her blog Writing in a Woman’s Voice. I am honored that she has posted two of mine this week: First Anniversary Prayers and Language of Ash. I hope you check them out and then keep returning to the site to discover [...] Learn more →

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Soul Path Sanctuary

Offering ~ I tend the sanctuary as gift to seekers on the unmarked path. If you find this site inspiring, I welcome a gift to continue serving you sustainably.