Persephone Rising at Equinoxtide

In mid February of 2016, I stood on the dike along a bend in the Connecticut River watching the ice floes come down from the north. First, there were just the sludgy, half-submerged chunks with their edges clicking together in the surface water. Then whole islands of white snow took their place and set a new [...] Learn more →

Pilgrimage Report in Poetry and Prose

The Summer Solstice-hinged e-retreat Walking the Ways of the Summer Light just concluded. This offering is a poetic report from a few moments of my Pilgrimage trip to Acadia National Park.    Love, the shaper, makes her a light fish with dark eyes swimming green, this passage skims skin from her cheeks. What she wanted [...] Learn more →

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Soul Path Sanctuary

Offering ~ I tend the sanctuary as gift to seekers on the unmarked path. If you find this site inspiring, I welcome a gift to continue serving you sustainably.