Dark Moon Release with The Morrigan as our Guide

Before the moon is made new on April 22 at 10:25pm ET in the USA, it returns to the place on the astrological Wheel where it began its moonthly journey. The energy gathered through the moonth now flows away into moonless nights. What will you send with this energy to be transformed in the dark? [...] Learn more →

Dark Moon Release with Ishtar as our Guide

Before the moon is made new overnight July 31 to August 1, it returns to the place on the astrological Wheel where it began its moonthly journey. The energy gathered through the lunation now flows away into moonless nights. What will you send with this energy to be transformed in the dark? The moonth we [...] Learn more →

New Moon Gateway: Between the Pillars of Certainty and Uncertainty

The March 10th new moon (exact at 5:00am ET, time zone converter) sets on the path of the Moon. The first person we encounter as we walk our way is this guy sitting before a strangely high table with his nine goblets. a 1909 card scanned by Holly Voley and retrieved from Sacred Texts. Deck available from US Games [...] Learn more →

New Moon Gateway: Composting the Burdens

Well, here we are again. a 1909 card scanned by Holly Voley and retrieved from Sacred Texts. Deck available from US Games This new moon passage through the 10 of Wands holds up a mirror to our times. I first wrote about this decan of the year’ turning wheel in 2020 when we were slogging through the pandemic. While [...] Learn more →

Full Moon Revelations: Death Encounters the Power of Love

The height of this moonth’s cycle comes with the full moon arriving in the early hours of Monday, November 27th (exact at 4:16am ET, time zone converter), and offers a revelation about how the lunar energies initiated on the November 13th new moon are developing. The new moon, guided by its association with Death, the [...] Learn more →

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Soul Path Sanctuary

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