Full Moon Revelations: Hidden Healers

They emerge, they emerge, the dark hidden healers, power from secrets, visions from stones. Rachel Pollack The full moon arrives on October 31st sending its light to flow over days of ancestral remembrance—Samhain celebrations to mark when the veil between the worlds is thinnest, Mexican Día de los Muertos traditions, and Catholic masses for All [...] Learn more →

Pilgrimage Report in Poetry and Prose

The Summer Solstice-hinged e-retreat Walking the Ways of the Summer Light just concluded. This offering is a poetic report from a few moments of my Pilgrimage trip to Acadia National Park.    Love, the shaper, makes her a light fish with dark eyes swimming green, this passage skims skin from her cheeks. What she wanted [...] Learn more →

The Healing Image

Heal:  From the Old English hælan, meaning cure; save; make whole, sound and well.  Then to mend from a significant loss is possible.  The pain that comes with the loss can not be ignored, but must be unraveled, met, knit into new form.  The new form must be put on rather than put away because [...] Learn more →

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Soul Path Sanctuary

Offering ~ I tend the sanctuary as gift to seekers on the unmarked path. If you find this site inspiring, I welcome a gift to continue serving you sustainably.