Musings and Reading of the Moonth: To Shimmer

The arrival of the new moon stamps the moonth with an initiating energy that shifts and develops through a cycle of growth, fullness, and descent.  Each moonth I look to the Tarot’s astrological correspondences for the new moon to find 3 cards (a Major, a numbered Minor, and a court/people card) to guide musings on [...] Learn more →

Full Moon Revelations: Be the Revealer of Sacred Things

First, a prayer-spell for the US election day: Lady of Power, Lady of Grace, We ask you to spread your cloak Of cobalt blue over the country On this election day. May there be peace. May there be kindness. May there be gratitude For all election workers and officials. When the votes are counted, May [...] Learn more →

Full Moon Revelations: Ancestors Speaking in Flowers

The height of this moonth’s cycle comes with the full moon arriving overnight tonight, the 15th to the 16th (exact at 12:14am ET on the 16th), and offers a revelation about how the lunar energies initiated on the April 30th  new moon are developing. The new moon, guided by its association with the Teacher face [...] Learn more →

Waiting with the Dark Week 4: Release and Renew

This is the end of the fourth week of a the season-long ritual, Descent and Return of the Light, that takes the Winter Solstice as its hinge. Our work this week is to prepare for the Solstice by making sure we have released what you do not want to bring into the next circuit of [...] Learn more →

Moonthly Musings & Reading: To Begin Again

Well, here we are in the passage card of the moonth …   a 1909 card scanned by Holly Voley and retrieved from Sacred Texts. Deck available from US Games … looking banged up and wary from the battles of our times. Perhaps we have been dedicated to fights for the health of people and [...] Learn more →

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Soul Path Sanctuary

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