Healing Bowl for the Dissolving Moon

The sun shines in the sky with a long light in this northern-hemisphere, solstice time, but the moon is dissolving in her quicker, universal cycle.  On Friday, she’ll be new again. These few days leading up to the new moon are a time for release.  Dana Gerhardt of MoonCircles.com says of this time: This is [...] Learn more →

The Work of the Moon

Wednesday night’s Journey into Tarot session brought us the energy and wisdom of The Moon. In preparing for the meditation, I was particularly inspired by how the moon teaches us about cycles and shows us that dark and light are a part of the whole as in the Gaian Tarot Moon. The work of our [...] Learn more →

At the Center with Ishtar as our Guide

On July 18th we enter the dark that comes before the moon is made new on July 20th (exact at 1:32pm ET). The moonth we are concluding began and now ends in Cancer  which corresponds to the Tarot’s Chariot card. Usually the moon as it moves from dark to new shifts into a new astrological [...] Learn more →

Initiating Lunar Energies for 2019

With astro-Tarot-nature guidance, I pondered the energies of the next new moons arriving in  2019, which aligns with the Chinese lunar year of the Pig, a symbol of abundance, determination, and, in a number of ancient cultures, connected to the Great Mother. I was inspired to give each moonth a theme and to include process [...] Learn more →

Lunar Living in a Solar World

We know the Sun. We see it rise each morning, or trust that it is there behind clouds. The cycle of the year and our schedules are driven by the global adherence to the sun-guided Gregorian calendar. The sun’s daily trips and annual flow are easily followed. To meet the moon requires a different kind [...] Learn more →

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Soul Path Sanctuary

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