
Elemental Wisdom Wanders Tele-Circles


For Seekers – From Art of Change Tarot – Seasonal Observances

Join a small group of fellow seekers (no more than 6) to share your stories of what you are experiencing as you Walk the Ways of the Summer Light and deepen your exploration with meditation and special Tarot process. You will receive the overview booklet for this season of ritual when you sign up.

Sessions will be held Mondays, June 1, 8, 15, and 22 at 6:15pm ET in the United States.

seeker spread focused verticleThe content of each call will be inspired by the elemental focus of each week and will follow this order:

These sharing circles are a container for pondering, musing, and exploring aloud what surfaces as you walk the ways. As you share and listen to others, your connection to the season, the light, Divinity, and the elemental themes can deepen or shift into new and necessary places.

I have these basic guidelines I like to follow for my tele-Circles:

LISTENING:  Listening will be the greatest gift we can offer to each other.

SHARING:  We will share our stories with each other.  We will offer each other insights from our own experience – and each one of us gets to choose which of the offerings will be useful to use, follow, or discard.  Each one of us owns our own experience.

BEING PRESENT:  Is your schedule currently clear to make the 4 sessions?  If not, this might not be the time to the series. (You can follow along with my weekly blog posts.)

SEEKING:  We recognizing that we are each on a path and doing the best that we can.  Sometimes making mistakes and sometimes tapping into deep wisdom.  Our perfectly imperfect selves are welcomed into the group.

CONFIDENTIALITY:  We’ll be discussing practice and Tarot insights that can be shared, but individual stories will not be shared beyond the call.

Session will have elements of:

  • Check ins
  • Grounding and focusing / Meditation
  • Talking circles (where each person has a chance to speak uninterrupted) related to the themes being explored
  • Discussion and sharing
  • Tarot spread/process/play

In all the contexts of my life (activism, fundraising, and Tarot work), people say I run the best telephone sessions they have ever experienced and report feeling like they are sitting in circle together.  Tele-hospitality is one of my gifts.

Cost for tele-series and overview booklet is $100 

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